Understanding monoclonal antibody aggregate behaviour impacting chromatographic process efficiency
As titer from upstream increases, capacity of the resins is more of important factor to drive process efficiency and impurities like aggregate reduces the capacity of monomer significantly. In this presentation, we will show the impact of aggregate on the capacity and efficiency of chromatography steps such as protein A, ion-exchange or HIC (hydrophobic interaction) columns along with use of additive and selective resins to increase product purity and process efficiency.
This presentation was given during Bioprocessing Summit Virtual, August 16-19, 2021

Courtney O’Dell
Senior Scientist at Avantor
Courtney O’Dell is a senior scientist with Avantor’s Technology and Innovation group in Bridgewater, NJ for the past 3 years. She is working on cell lysis projects for viral vector release and novel protein additives to reduce viscosity of high concentration protein formulations. Prior, Courtney spent 11 years working in solution formulation development of mAbs at ImClone Systems and then Eli Lilly & Co., focusing on stability, structural characterization, and use-time compatibility studies for parenteral drug delivery.

Suman McLinden
Senior Scientist at Avantor
Suman McLinden is a Sr. Research Scientist in Avantor’s Technology and Innovation group in Bridgewater, NJ for the past 3 years. She is currently working on analytical method and product development, also providing bio-analytical support to ongoing projects focused to improve bioprocess workflow. Prior to working at Avantor, Suman spent 15+ years on biophysical characterization and various aspects of analytical techniques of monoclonal antibody.