


  • Two-part, black, 50 mole % fluorosilicone elastomer
  • Cures at room temperature or rapidly with heat
  • 1:1 Mix Ratio (Part A: B)


  • For applications requiring solvent resistance
  • For molding parts such as O-rings, stoppers, and seals

Product Details

Property Average Result
Cure System Platinum
Extrusion Rate 117 g/minute
Lap Shear 350 psi (2.41 MPa)
Durometer 35 Type A
Appearance Black
Cure 48 hours / RTV
Elongation 265 %
Mix Ratio 1:1
Operating Temperature -65 °C / 240 °C
Specific Gravity 1.28
Tensile 600 psi (4.14 MPa)
Work Time 1 hours
Comment Fuel Resistance

Encapsulation Technology

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The test data shown for this material is the average value for typical properties. All of these properties may not be tested on a lot to lot basis and cannot be used to draft specifications. Please contact NuSil for assistance and recommendations in establishing limits for product specifications.